Monday, April 26, 2010

aPriL sHowErS=mAy fLoWeRs‏

Howdy family! This week was a really good week as they always are on missions J Ashlyn, our newest members wife, has been in the hospital all week for gallstones and surgery to get her gallbladder out. So we spent some time with her. It was fun to use our ministerial cards, I like to feel like I am a detective or part of some secret work or something lol. I use my imagination J It was really neat bc the first night we went to see her we ended up teaching her neighbor. Her name is Sonya who is 40 and just had back surgery and was in a lot of pain. She asked for her “one of her neighbors friends to come help.” J so I went over there to help her. Ashlyn ended up writing her testimony in a book of mormon and marking a scripture she had just read that gave her comfort that morning. I was able to tell her what the book of mormon is and she said she would like to come to church. She read the scripture and we heard she continued to read that night J well, Ashlyn was talking to her and asked her if she would like a priesthood blessing. J she would love it was her reply. So we were able to call the elders and they went over the next day. They told us that her husband was there and he wanted a book of mormon also. They talked and the elders told us it was great. Sonya and her husband, James, are in our area J we have high hopes. Ashlyn and Efrain were sharing the gospel all over the place in there. The day after he was baptized he talked to a guy in the hospital and got his number and sent the elders over! Wow, they are so incredible. I am so sad they are leaving. It was so awesome. That was our main focus for the week, I guess the next exciting thing would be the Spanish guy on the bus ride home that was makin kissy faces at me and asking where I got off. Lol, ya not very exciting at all. Lol. I love talking to so many ppl here who say that they came from N. Carolina or are going there. We just got in contact with a Less Active who was baptized 10 years ago and just hasn’t been able to make it to church bc she is a flight attendant. She is so awesome! She lived in N. Carolina for a while and her daughter lives there now! She actually hates it there. But ya her daughter I think she said lives in Greenville??? Idk its an hour from Raleigh. So tight! Anywho tomorrow is my bday and I am excited to be sharing the best gift I have to the ppl here. Big 22 eh? :) Ight, I love you all so much. Thank you for your prayers and support and cards! :)

Sister Phillips

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