Monday, December 21, 2009


Hey everyone!I’m sorry I don’t have a lot of time, but I don’t have a whole lot to say! So my poor little compie had a bump on her shoulder that was about pea size and has had it for 2 years and the dr said it was fine. Well after a week of being out she informed me that it had tripled in size. Of course I FREAKED! So we called Sister Nelson and she found us and ER to go to on Staten Island (places are pretty sketchy here.) So we went and turns out that she had a cyst. They opened it up right there and it was infected. It was sad bc it hurt her and they were going to town, popping it like a big zit  and this made her sick, about to pass out. I felt so bad. It is true that the mission intensifies any medical prob you may or may not have. So we will be going back for the 3rd time today to repack it and hope that it isn’t infected anymore. But  we do get to go on the ferry and see the Statue of Liberty! Yeahhh! So we’re excited for that.  As far as missionary work goes, we have had a horrible dry spell. It’s been pretty rough. You tend to feel that you are the only ones with no investigators and get discouraged, feeling it’s bc you aren’t working hard enough. But we know that we have to go through the tough and have a test of faith, and that when the sweet times come that they are even more sweet bc of the rough times. It’s hard but rewarding. Yesterday church got cancelled bc we had a good storm. Of course for us Idahoans we were like, “Church canelled for this???” We had the joys of tracting in a storm and I the stupe that I am forgot a hat and just had ear muffs, I got in the train and whipped a pile of snow off my forehead….NOW THAT IS BRAIN FREEZE! It hurt  lol. So Sunday night we layered and went out to look up some Single Adults that we don’t know about and both had moved. We still had a half an hour till we were going to a members house. So we got to their street and I was like, Hey! Lets tract this appt. So we buzzed some places and of course they weren’t receptive, when all a sudden, one buzzed us in! We go up the stairs wondering who will be behind the door. This Spanish lady opens and before we can even finish our names she excitedly invites us in. We thought maybe she was a member! Well we were able to have a sit down lesson and she told us that she was raised catholic but doesn’t practice anything. She has been writing back and forth to the St. Matthews church for a year. She said she wanted to be fully committed when she joined the church and didn’t know if she was ready to give herself to the Lord. We told her about how he would make a way and strengthen her and she set up a time for us to come back! :D We got a new investigator! The power of fasts! I believe it was bc I was so temped to eat while being at home but held strong lol. Also, on Friday we were able to meet with Denise. She was a miracle as well. The week before we were planning at the church and took a break. I went to go to the bathroom and people were coming out of the family history center. I remember that a lady in our ward told us that the pple who go there are like all non members and that they aren’t allowed to proselyte. So I decided to stop a lady and talk to her. She told me of how grateful she is for the LDS and the services they provide and how she has had so much success with her ancestors, even finding slaves! I then asked if she knew much about the church and she said she’d occasionally watch BYU channel. So I told her about why family history is so important to us and what we do about that with the temples and how it connected with Joseph smith and the BOM. She accepted to meet again next week (Friday) and learn about the BOM!!! So on Friday I planned on just giving it to her and giving a brief message about it, but she wanted to hear our message! We had a sit down lesson in the chapel! It was so incredible! I loved it! The spirit was so strong! She has been a devout presbetirian and says she was raised in the church and well, we are keeping the faith! So please keep your prayers for Denise and Kizzi! Thank you so much for all you do and all your support. The true gospel continues to spread and I’m grateful to be apart of it! Merry Christmas everyone! I love you all and I am so grateful for this time of year! Remember the reason for the season! I’m so grateful for our savior Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, and I know it can free us from any burden or pain we have. Love you! Love,Sister Phillips~

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